Jabatan Bekalan Air Luar Bandar (JBALB) Sarawak is a department under the purview of Ministry of Utility & Telecommunication Sarawak (formerly known as Ministry of Utilities and Ministry of Public Utilities). JBALB was enforced in August 2015 and started to operate fully in April 2016. JBALB Sarawak is entrusted with the responsibilities of taking over Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) in managing and improving water supply system especially in suburban and rural areas of Sarawak to resolve water supply issues in those areas.
The establishment of JBALB Sarawak as a new agency under the Sarawak Government is a significant move in achieving the department’s vision of full water supply coverage in rural areas of Sarawak by 2030 and the mission of the department is to supply safe reliable water supply to people living in rural areas of Sarawak. READ MORE
Penduduk Kampung Nyabut dan Kampung Trombol kini boleh menikmati bekalan air bersih sepenuhnya hasil projek usahasama Kerajaan Persekutuan dan Kerajaan Sarawak.